What Items Can't Be Moved by a Local Moving Company?

When you're planning a move, it's important to know what items can and cannot be transported by a local moving company. Professional transporters will not move dangerous items, such as explosives, flammable gases and toxic substances. This is to comply with federal, state and local laws and to protect the environment. Additionally, moving providers typically don't transport indoor plants due to the risk of them not surviving the move, as well as laws in some states that prohibit the transportation of plants more than 150 miles.

In addition to dangerous items, there are other items that professional moving companies won't transport. These include high-value items such as antique furniture, which must be notified to the moving company before the move. Other items that are not illegal for moving companies to transport but are strongly preferred to be handled by the assignee include wine collections and valuables. If you're planning to hire a professional moving company, it's important to keep in mind that there are certain items that even the best professional moving companies won't allow you to get on the truck.

Pay a little more for an air-conditioned moving truck or hire a wine relocation company if you have a particularly valuable wine collection. If you're traveling less than 24 hours as part of a local and interstate move, you can carry some of these items in your vehicle. When working with a local and interstate moving company, many people want to move plants from their homes and other types of vegetation from their gardens. However, this is not recommended due to the risk of them not surviving the move and laws in some states that prohibit the transportation of plants more than 150 miles.

Nanette Whilden
Nanette Whilden

Award-winning zombie evangelist. Wannabe music junkie. Extreme tv evangelist. Professional internet nerd. General sushi practitioner. Extreme travel ninja.

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